Welcome Home…

At Happy Healthy Whole we teach Nature’s Healing Laws, which are simple, easy to learn and offer life changing results. We support people though detoxification therapies to lighten the burden that’s been placed on their body, mind and souls. Most of us have accumulated years of toxic poisons from our environment and foods, as well as traumas and negative habit patterns that we have grown accustomed to living with. When we are ready, Spirit comes a knocking and moves us to make a change in our lives. Detoxification is a necessary natural step along our healing path to release what no longer serves us and make room for our new selves to emerge.

Here at Happy Health Whole we support people through their individual healing process to become their best selves ever! We also aim to educate and inspire life giving practices that empower each individual to take their health into their own hands. 

Our therapies include:

*Colon Hydrotherapy  *Infrared Sauna *Liver Flush *Kidney Cleanse  *7 Day Aloha Cleanse *Castor Packs *Mayan Medicine *Womb Steams *Herbal Medicine

We also offer four monthly classes, see EVENTS, teaching the lifestyle and offering community support


I’m Miquela de Ris

I am here as a Catalyst

For your rebirth and rejuvenation.

I hold a vision of you Thriving,

Loving your Sacred Body Temple,

Feeling totally connected with all that is.

I see you being Happy here on Earth,

Living like you’re meant to, on Purpose,       Now…

I see your beauty, from the Inside~Out

Radiating in all the directions…

I want everything good for you.

I want it from the place in me that overflows…

Washing and healing through

knowing, seeing, being,

Until all that is false~falls away,

Leaving us lying in dustful splendor

beyond compare!

Let’s claim it together~ shall we?

I am Happy~ I am Healthy~ I am Whole

I am Beautiful~ I am Bountiful~ I am Bliss

I am That~ I am God~ I Am


In the Holy most I Am ~

Miquela de Ris CCH Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

Located at 105 Main St. Gt. Barrington, MA
Or call 808 825 3684